Zendit Digital Gift Cards & Utility Payments allow the purchase and redemption of electronic gift cards for delivery to a recipient or paying prepaid utilities.
Zendit Gift Cards allow the purchase of digital gift cards for popular global and regional brands that can be redeemed in store or through eCommerce. Utility payments allow prepaid utilities to be paid to top up usage.
The product catalog of Gift Cards and Utilities use the /voucher endpoints. You can filter the catalog by region, country, brand or a subtype. Subtypes categorize the gifts and utility payments and you can login to the zendit user console and explore the categories of gifts available.
Each product in the catalog will contain a list of fields that are required to fulfill the product. A list of required fields and their definitions can be found as part of the API documentation. Additional required fields are added as new products are added to the catalog and new required fields may appear on products that aren’t on the list. When sending a transaction, every required field must be included and must have a value. Transactions missing a required field or sent with an empty string for the value will be rejected.
When processing a transaction, zendit will fulfill the request and provide a response that contains receipt with the redemption information or a confirmation of delivery. There are multiple delivery types that will help guide how to handle the receipt and what information to provide the customer with to redeem the product. Breaking it down, the receipt of the transaction contains 13 attributes that will provide information for redemption based on how the product is delivered and will include the delivery type.
These attributes include:
Attribute Name | Description |
deliveryType | Type that determines attributes in the receipt to use |
send | Value of the gift that was delivered in destination currency |
currency | 3 letter ISO code for the destination currency |
epin | Pin for redemption, security code when combined with a voucherId or redemptionUrl |
voucherId | ID of voucher for redemption |
redemptionUrl | URL for recipient to redeem |
accountId | Account ID for a voucher |
expiresAt | Date eGift value expires |
instructions | Instructions for redemption of the gift |
recipientCustomerServiceNumber | Customer service number for recipient |
senderCustomerServiceNumber | Customer service number for sender |
terms | Terms and conditions for eGiftt |
confirmationNumber | Provider Confirmation ID |
Not every delivery type will return all attributes. To understand which fields are applicable, use the following set of delivery types and the required or optional attributes they return. Fields listed as required will be returned with the transactions. Fields listed as optional may have a value or may be returned with no value. Optional fields depend on the provider backing the gift card or utility payment.
Due to restrictions on some Digital Gift card products, the voucher information is required to be encrypted. You will not be able to view the unencrypted values in the user console when viewing the transaction or see the unencrypted value on reports but when pulling the transaction from the API, or receiving a webhook the value will be decrypted on the response.
The direct delivery type will require the recipient information and will deliver the Gift Card or Utility Payment directly to the recipient. No redemption information for the gift will be available to the sender.
Attribute | Required / Optional |
confirmationNumber | Required |
send | Required |
currency | Required |
expiresAt | Optional |
senderCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
recipientCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
terms | Optional |
accountId | Optional |
The pin delivery type returns a pin for redemption of the product.
Attribute | Required / Optional |
confirmationNumber | Required |
send | Required |
currency | Required |
epin | Required |
expiresAt | Optional |
senderCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
recipientCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
terms | Optional |
instructions | Optional |
The pin-instructions delivery type will deliver a pin with instructions on how to redeem the product.
Attribute | Required / Optional |
confirmationNumber | Required |
send | Required |
currency | Required |
epin | Required |
expiresAt | Optional |
senderCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
recipientCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
terms | Optional |
instructions | Required |
The pin-voucher delivery type will return a voucher Id and a epin as a security code to be used when redeeming the product.
Attribute | Required / Optional |
confirmationNumber | Required |
send | Required |
currency | Required |
voucherId | Required |
epin | Required |
expiresAt | Optional |
senderCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
recipientCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
terms | Optional |
instructions | Optional |
The redemptionURL delivery type will return a link to a landing page for the product with instructions on how to redeem the product.
Attribute | Required / Optional |
confirmationNumber | Required |
send | Required |
currency | Required |
redemptionUrl | Required |
epin | Optional |
expiresAt | Optional |
senderCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
recipientCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
terms | Optional |
instructions | Optional |
The voucher delivery type will return a voucher id to redeem the product
Attribute | Required / Optional |
confirmationNumber | Required |
send | Required |
currency | Required |
voucherId | Required |
epin | Required |
expiresAt | Optional |
senderCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
recipientCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
terms | Optional |
instructions | Optional |
The voucher delivery type will return a redmptionUrl to redeem the product with an epin as the security code required to redeem the product.
Attribute | Required / Optional |
confirmationNumber | Required |
send | Required |
currency | Required |
redemptionUrl | Required |
epin | Required |
expiresAt | Optional |
senderCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
recipientCustomerServiceNumber | Optional |
terms | Optional |
instructions | Optional |
Digital Gift Cards and Utility payments have a webhook available for receiving the status of the transaction. The webhook format is identical to the format of polling the transaction by ID on the Voucher endpoints for status.
For more information on setting up Webhooks in Zendit, see the Webhooks documentation.